


時間:2019-12-25 06:41 編輯:長沙代理記賬


中國人民大學財政金融學院     張文春編譯整理









Governments rapidly dismantling harmful tax incentives worldwide: BEPS Project driving major changes to international tax rules

16/10/2017 - Governments have dismantled, or are in the process of amending, nearly 100 preferential tax regimes as part of the OECD/G20 BEPS standards to improve the international tax framework, according to a progress report released today.

The report provides details on the outcome of peer reviews undertaken of 164 preferential tax regimes identified amongst the more than 100 jurisdictions participating in the OECD Inclusive Framework on BEPS.

The OECD/G20 BEPS Project delivers solutions for governments to close the gaps in existing international rules that allow corporate profits to “disappear” or be artificially shifted to low or no tax environments, where companies have little or no economic activity. Revenue losses from BEPS are conservatively estimated at USD 100-240 billion annually, or the equivalent of 4-10% of global corporate income tax revenues.

The BEPS Action 5 standard covers tax incentives (“preferential tax regimes”) that apply to mobile business income, such as financial and services income and income from intellectual property, which multinationals can shift with relative ease. To avoid a race to the bottom and negative spillover effects on other jurisdictions' tax bases, all 102 members of the BEPS Inclusive Framework have committed to ensuring that any regimes offered meet the criteria that have been agreed as part of BEPS Action 5. Crucially, this includes a requirement that taxpayers benefiting from a regime must themselves undertake the core business activity, ensuring the alignment of taxation with genuine business substance.

The Action 5 Progress Report on Preferential Tax Regimes includes the review of 164 preferential tax regimes offered by Inclusive Framework members against the Action 5 standard.

Of the 164 regimes reviewed in the last twelve months:

•99 require action;

•For 93 of these 99 regimes, the required changes have already been completed or initiated by Inclusive Framework members,

•56 regimes do not pose a BEPS risk,

•9 regimes are still under review, due to extenuating circumstances such as the impact of the recent hurricanes on certain Caribbean jurisdictions.
